Civil engineering & Material Testing equipments

Menard pressuremeter MPM test instrument


The Menard pressuremeter is used to execute Pressuremeter (MPM) Test in in-situ investigation, it can be used for testing of Cohesive soil, silty soil, sandy soil, strongly weathered rock, soft rock.

The pressure test is to place a cylindrical pressure bystander into soil vertically, use the expansion of the pressure bystander to apply uniform pressure to the surrounding soil, thus measure the relationship between radial pressure and deformation, and then obtain the stress-strain relationship in the horizontal direction of foundation soil. The pressuremeter is divided into three types: pre-drilling type, self-drilling type and press-in type.



Number Name Model
PY-3 PY-4 PY-5
1 Pressure meter Structure Three chamber
 Outer  diameter ø60mm Ø74mm
Length of measurement chamber 250mm 210mm
Length of pressure meter 800mm 840mm
2 Measurement accuracy Pressure gauge least count 0.005Mpa 0.01Mpa
Measuring effective span 400mm
Standard accuracy ≤±1%
3   Other Max testing pressure 2.5Mpa 4.0Mpa 5.5Mpa
Dimension 830×360×220mm
Weight 28kg
Application Cohesive soil, silty soil Hard cohesive soil, silty soil, sandy soil Cohesive soil, silty soil, sandy soil, strongly weathered rock, soft rock


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