Civil engineering & Material Testing equipments

Fracture Mechanics Clip-on Gauge

fracture mecahnics clip-on gauge

Technical Specifications

Working Condition
Temperature range 10℃~35
Relative humidity 80%
Ambient environment No vibration, no corrosion, no magnetic interference
Power supply 220V,50Hz, fluctuation  ±10%
Testing condition(besides the above conditions)
Temperature 18℃~28℃, temperature fluctuation  ±2
Relative humidity 75%
Ambient environment No obvious air flow
Technical Specifications 
Scale length 10 mm
Max deformation 4  mm
Measuring accuracy ±1%
 Strain gage resistance value 350Ω
Bridge power ≤5V(AC, DC)
Output sensitivity Approx 2 mv/V
Output end terminal USB( others on request)
Clamping way


Integrate edge and sample
Use screw to fix the edge on the sample, install the extensometer between the blades

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