Civil engineering & Material Testing equipments

Automatic Proctor / CBR compactor

automatic cbr proctor compactor for soil


Model: TDJS-1

Standards complaince: JTG E40-2007/T0131-93, T0134-93, T0135-93


The automatic proctor compactor is a specialized equipment to perform soil compaction test, it can do standard and modefied compaction test. The soil compaction test is used to determine the max dry density and matched best moisture content of compacted roadbase soil.

Technical specifications

1. Heavy compaction test: hammer weight 4.5Kg, drop height 450mm

2 Light compaction test: hammer weight 2.5Kg, drop height 300mm

3. Applicable test mould diameter: Φ100mm, Φ152mm

4 Hammerhead diameter: Φ50mm

5. Hammer frequency: 30 beats / min

6. Motor: 370W 380V 1400 rev / min

7. Overall Dimensions: 650 x 400 x 1320mm (L x W x H)

8. Weight: 130Kg

Note: Each Compactor is equipped Φ152 and Φ100 test mould each set, each one another Φ152 and Φ100 test mould.

digital electric compactor for soil test

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Soil Testing instruments

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