Civil engineering & Material Testing equipments

TDJ6/TDJ6E Optical theodolite


This theodolite has many accessories to meet various measurement needs.


X type auto compensator, features good high frequency vibration resistance performance

Color reading field of view, easy reading

Optical micrometer can directly read to 1” or 1cc

Erect and inverted image of telescope, universal base can be equipped

Air damping structure guarantee reliable and stable performance


Technical specifications

Model TDJ6E TJD6
Measuring range 0º-360º
One measurement horizontal standard deviation 6″
One measurement vertical standard deviation 10″
Telescope Imaging Erect   image Inverted image
Amplification 30x 28x
Objective lens effective dia. 40mm
Field of view 1°30′
Shortest line of sight 2m
Line of sight multiplication constant 100
Line of sight plus constant 0
Tube length 172mm
Level meter Long level meter 30″/2mm
Circular level 8′/2mm
Horizontal disk division diameter 94mm
Level dial division
Vertical dial division diameter 76mm
Vertical dial division
Ruler division 1′
Reading microscope Horizontal system magnification 68X
Vertical system magnification 65.4X
Vertical index automatic compensator Working range ±2′
Placement error ±1″
Amplification times 3X
Field of view
Focusing range 0.5m~∝
Net  weight 4.3kg
Horizontal axis height 207mm
Overall dimension 286mm×136mm×130mm

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