Civil engineering & Material Testing equipments

PM-100 Laser plumb aligner, Surveying instrument

Plumb aligner


The laser plumb aligner is used to inspect the plumb line deviation in civil engineering area, it’s a kind of very common surveying instrument.

Technical specifications

Effective aperture 36mm
Amplification times 25X
Field 1°30″
Laser effective firing range
Day ≥120m
Night ≥250m
Laser spot size
50m ≤3mm
100m ≤6mm
Semi-conductor laser
Wave length 635nm
Transmitted power 5mw
Laser output power <1mw
Power supply AA battery x 2pcs
Laser point aligning
Shortest focusing distance 0.5m
Size and weight
Size 145×145×272mm
Weight 2.8kg

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